Suitcase Bar

 The Suitcase Bar is an innovative concept designed as a complete, fully functional unit that is easy to transport and quick-to-set-up. It is a cross-over between product design and architecture. Using a standard 20-foot container as a base, the Starter-Kit is a self-contained unit consists of a bar on one side and seating area on the other. As it only takes up 3 carpark space, the Starter-Kit is a versatile “plug-n play” bar.

The Accessory Booth is designed to provide additional seating area to the Starter-Kit.


Combine one or more of the Starter-Kit(s) and Accessory Booth(s) together to create larger scale premises to suit any particular site and business needs- the possibilities are virtually unlimited.


Different strokes for different folks. The Suitcase Bar (and its Accessory Booth) can be customized to suit any themes and needs. Fitted out from an off-site location, new bars can be designed and constructed, ready to be dropped on site and replace the existing bar without interrupting business.

 Be it a temporary set-up on a yet-to-be developed site, an instant urban (re)activation/ rejuvenation solution, or a quick installation for seasonal/ special events, the Suitcase Bar is a cool and hip way to draw crowds’ attention and create a strong brand presence.

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